The Office for Community Affairs within the Office of Prime Minister invites all interested citizens to apply for the position of Office Director. Required education:
First degree higher education diploma (Bachelor’s Degree) in law, economics, public administration, political science, sociology, philosophy.
Required work experience: at least five (5) years of professional work experience including one of the following requirements:
1) three (3) years of work experience in managerial positions, or
2) two (2) years of work experience in managerial positions, a second degree diploma (Master’s Degree), or
3) one (1) year of work experience in managerial positions and a third degree higher education diploma (PhD).
The position is intended only for non-majority communities, in order to fill the quota reserved for non-majority communities in civil service of central government institutions.
Non-majority communities and their members are entitled to a fair and proportional representation in civil service of Kosovo, as provided by the Law, therefore they are encouraged to apply.
For more information, please see the following link: – alb. – srb. – eng.
Deadline for applying: August 10, 2024.