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Bulletin XXV

NOTIFICATION:  The pilot performance of the reformed social assistance scheme in Kosovo is starting!

On May 18, 2024, the Government representatives, comprising Prime Minister Albin Kurti, Minister of Finance, Labor and Transfers Hekuran Murati, and World Bank expert in capital Mrika Aliu, presented the social assistance reform project.

In his speech, Prime Minister Kurti explained the novelty, that the new scheme would also allow beneficiaries with no children under the age of five to apply, which has not been the case thus far and amounted to a sort of discrimination for such families. In addition, another objective was to improve the mechanisms for cooperation with the Labor Agency, and this objective will also find its place in the new Draft Law on Social Protection.

At the conference was shown how to fill in the application that can be done online, directly by a family member, or through the competent employee of the Center for Social Work in your municipality.

You can apply on the following link: //

For more information on this reform, kindly read the Prime Minister’s speech, available at the following links:




USAID’s call to submit project proposals, valid for NGOs only!

USAID Kosovo Adapt Activity invites all eligible organizations: NGO/OCS, community-based organizations, private foundations, private universities, private companies and business associations, to submit proposals to implement initiatives and awareness-raising activities aimed at improving the resilience of Kosovo communities and businesses to climate changes. Applicants are encourages to apply in implementation partnership with other actors so to develop and expand their initiatives, and are expected to propose activities that will inspire implementation of climate-smart initiatives. 

The proposed initiatives should involve an expedited adoption of measures, practices and technologies for adaptation to, and mitigation of climate changes. The value of the proposed grant activities should range from 20,000 to 60,000 EUR and last during the implementation period between12 and 24 months. 

USAID Kosovo Adapt Activity is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Tetra Tech. 

This Activity is a five-year project, intended to increase public and private sectors’ awareness of, and demand for climate-smart initiatives, and to improve Kosovo’s capacities to adopt and implement policies and technologies conducive to climate change mitigation and adaptation to the latter, ultimately generating a resilient environment and a greater economic sustainability for the citizens of Kosovo. In order to achieve this goal, the USAID Kosovo Adapt Activity will carry out activities aimed at achieving the following objectives:  

  • Objective 1: Identify constraints and possibilities related to adaptation to, and mitigation of climate changes. 
  • Objective 2: Raise awareness of climate changes, and involve stakeholders to support and implement climate-smart policies and incentives. 
  • Objective 3: Enable stakeholders to support, promote, and introduce climate-smart initiatives. 

Proposals should focus on developing and introducing climate-smart initiatives, and carrying out awareness-raising activities, so to facilitate development, adoption, and/or implementation of climate-smart initiatives. 

The proposed initiatives should contribute to climate resilience, and boost adoption of more measures, practices and technologies for adaptation to, and mitigation of climate changes. 

Applicants are expected to propose activities through these two interrelated areas:   

  1. Manage implementation of climate-smart initiatives which will upgrade the resilience to climate changes. 
  2. Carry out activities in raising awareness of climate changes and possible adaptation and mitigation measures.   

Applicants should submit completed applications via  Tetra Tech Community Portal 

Deadline for applying: June 10, 2024. 15:00 CEST

For more information visit the following link:–TffdFpSy_LDWzTYjnltWyoamsVWwwaUCWCKKXkPDUDBmgS-FQYv7byYC4bv9dv19AGFGTNnKCzz8nPzLX1T

Call for project proposals for regional cooperation of NGOs through the Western Balkans Fund!

The Western Balkans Fund invites all non-governmental organizations active in fields of education, culture, sports, and the media, to apply with projects that help achieve reconciliation and cooperation between the countries in the region as the goal, through projects on peace, stability, and cooperation. The amount to apply for is 30,000 EUR per project.

You can find more information about this call at this link:

If you have any questions or difficulties when applying, make contact vial this email address:

Deadline for applying: June 17, 2024.

Invitation to take part in the “Career Orientation and Research” training – available only for youth from the Peć region!

Syri i Vizionit within the “Cohesive Future” Project funded by the GCERF, invites the youth from the Peć region to take part in the “Career Orientation and Research” training. Trainings will be held in Vitomirica, Goraždevac and Peć, and the organizer will reimburse the travel expenses.

All interested candidates can apply at the following link:

You can get further assistance and information via this email address or via contact phone +38344143098.

Note: all participants will receive certificate at the end of the training!

Deadline for applying: June 10, 2024.

Competition for job vacancy: Monitoring officer

Pristina-based non-government organization Advancing Together invites all interested candidates to apply for a job vacancy of Monitoring Officer. Advancing Together provides support to local and central authorities in addressing the basic needs of the Kosovo

returnees and internally displaced persons, in the areas of physical, legal and material security, and in strengthening capacities of the former to protect the returnee and displaced population.

Required qualifications:

  • University degree in law, science/economy;
  • At least two years of professional experience in the domain od human/community rights;
  • High level of communication skills and experience with various institutions at local/central levels;
  • Experience and demonstrated ability to work autonomously and as a team member with persons of different ethnic, religious, and cultural backgrounds;
  • Valid driver’s license, B category;
  • Excellent written and oral knowledge of Albanian, Serbian, and English languages;

Interested candidates can submit CV, motivation letter (in English), letters of recommendation and scanned copies of thier ID, driver’s license and university diploma directly to e-mail:

Deadline for applying: June 9, 2024.

For more information, visit the following link:


Ø  SUPERPUNA: subsidized jobs for youth aged 18-29, more information and registration at the following link:

Ø  KOSOVOGENU: three-month internship for youth aged 16-24, more information and registration at the following link:

Ø  Follow job competitions in institutions across Kosovo, at the following link:

Ø  Be a part of positive changes by taking part in public consultations, all information to be found at the following link: 

Ø  Follow grant competitions for non-governmental organizations at the following link:

Ø For more information and employment opportunities for the Serbian-speaking communities, follow job competitions at the following portal:


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